badHorowitz is just a collection of little posts and videos that I am putting online in my free time. Finding motivation to learn can be heard. Doing so while one is stuck at home during a pandemic does make it worse - My own solution has been to push myself to publish these little guides and videos, so that one day, anyone who might find themselves in the same place I was in a while ago might be able to get themselves up to where I am now, a little more easily.
Currently, because of the direction that I am going with my learning, articles here will mostly center around:
I don’t make it very hard for people to find out who I am in real life, but I am going to gloss over the fine details about myself while I do make these little videos, because I am getting old now, and I begin to find online personalities pretty dang insufferable.
I’ll catch you guys around here soon as the website continues to update!